Thursday, June 9, 2011

Final Poster

Poster Text -

Fractal Grove in the meaning of the name is essentially a cluster of different fractal elements, which fits together with what a grove is, being a cluster of trees. The proposal is for the site at the corner of cathedral street and crown street. The site brief was quite broad and asked for a way that nature could be incorporated within the design. From my initial studies in fractal geometry and incorporating nature into architecture I learnt how many modern buildings are deriving subtle hints of nature within their designs, one such example being the Burj Khalifa with its design based off a local native flower. Taking this premise I then looked at different ways to incorporate fractals within a design, ultimately choosing a tree as a basis for emanating fractals as their form has fractals hidden throughout the structure of a tree from the branches, root system, bark and leaf structure.

The site incorporates a central plaza with paths that lead towards the main portion of the building, along this path there will be different types of shops and a Theatre for different performances and concerts. The main purpose is to have a number of buildings that are separated and have different purposes but also have similarities in regards to the fractals that would be incorporated within the design. The location of the site is dependent on the neighbouring crown and cathedral streets. These roads are used as the main junction for exiting the city, so therefore in the proposed design the shops will be facing internally along the path to be a shield to the outside traffic and noise. With the exterior of the building emanating a shielding type facade it will exude a natural look in how it would resemble a row of trees that keeps the bustle of the city out. The interior paths will also incorporate trees that are shielded from the exterior facade.

The iterations shown above show the above structure of the leafs, each different iteration explores a different degree of scale for the structure and shows some variation that may appear when comparing two different leafs. The fractal nature of the leaf is quite evident as you can see how the pattern essentially scales down smaller as you reach the centre. The bottom facade shown below of the buildings iterations are based on differentiating clusters of trees if they were positioned in a row as well as exploring double layer of trees and gaps that would be used for shop openings. The fractal nature of the tree facade is subtle and unable to be seen from a front perspective, as the pattern can only be seen from above, from how the facade goes around the building.
The facade of the building uses the relationship of Koch snowflakes, they are one of the earliest forms of fractal curves and are dependent on the number three. Cantor set's are a set of points lying on a single line segment that are self similar because they are equal to two copies of itself, each copy is shrunk by a factor of 3. For this reason I have incorporated the three apartment\shop buildings so that they protrude from the main as to emanate the 1/3 relationship that is evident in the Koch and Cantor sets. This underlying feature represents how there are key mathematical elements that are predominant in fractals.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Laser Cut Model - GH

GH file for laser cut model. Laser cut model to be of the middle section of the building including facade and leaf structure.
Materiality of the model is to have its leaf structure made up of Arcylic and transparent plastic for glazing.
The facade is to consist of two layers of box wood to give it dimension and be made of box board with black backing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Model In Grasshopper

View of pattern above

Grasshopper file for facade

The defining of the shape of building froms of the proposed site in the relation of 1/3 which has relevance to the fractal koch pattter.

Grasshopper file for leaf pattern.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Modelling Proposal

Modelling Proposal

For the modelling proposal I have decided to choose the third site at the corner of cathedral street and crown street. The reason for choosing this site is because I found the brief to be the most intriguing compared to the others, with the broadest possible outcome. The site shall incorporate a central plaza with paths that lead towards the main portion of the building, along this path there will be different types of shops and a Theatre for different performances and concerts. The main purpose shall be to have a number of buildings that are separated and have different purposes but also have similarities in regards to the fractals that would be incorporated within the design.

The design shall be predominantly reliant of the use of fractals as discussed in the research paper. Through the use of grasshopper fractals shall be explored that have defined parameters which will allow for many different iterations. This will provide the a larger selections of possible designs to have fractal geometry represented in different aspects of the proposed building, such as the roof and building face and depending how deeply you look at the detail of the building it shall reveal the recurrent pattern seen over the entire structure. In defining what a fractal is, it is an object that is self similar that can be seen in nature, the proposal shall be to see how such a concept can be represented digitally to emanate nature in the un-natural built environment that links us back to our roots and our closeness with nature.
The location of the site is dependent on the neighbouring crown and cathedral streets. These roads are used as the main junction for exiting the city, so therefore in the proposed design the shops will be facing internally along the path to be a shield to the outside traffic and noise. With the exterior of the building emanating a shielding type facade it will exude a natural look in how it would resemble a row of trees that keeps the bustle of the city out. The interior paths will also incorporate trees that are shielded from the exterior facade.

For the proposed design it will emanate nature in which it is fractal but yet also have a mathematical aspect to it. Koch snowflakes are one of the earliest forms of fractal curves and dependant on the number three. Cantor set's are a set of points lying on a single line segment that are quite fascinating and they are also self similar because they is equal to two copies of itself, if each copy is shrunk by a factor of 3. For this reason I will then incorporate three main arms that are each 1/3 less of the other that contain two paths within.

This underlying feature represents how there are key mathematical elements that are predominant in fractals. The design will seek to show different ways in which fractals can be incorporated into the architecture using parametric modelling, that will give a deeper meaning of a metaphor, in how we now have changed in the way we regard nature, in the way we protect it instead of destroy that links together the entire idea of the proposal with nature melded back into the built environment.

The above images show renders that I have taken of the possible facade of the building that I experimented with in Grasshopper.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Research & Experimentation in Grasshopper

Research into Fractal Geometry Within Grasshopper

Research into Grasshopper, Essentially looking at ways in which fractals can be represented within grasshopper

Exploring the use of fractals as a defined shape.
